kawan2, tolong saya.

when we decide to take the step to date someone, we could ask ourselves "Do I see myself marrying that person?" If not, save yourself the pain of an inevitable break-up.

Can we see? the future?!

I hate to say this, but really. I love you.

~because Im stupid~


ayien said…
its hurt sometimes..
yup bcoz i`m stupid,but it happens.. ;'(
As for me.. Future.. Masa depan.. Semua tak berapa penting.. Present.. Now.. Today.. Is what matter most.. Coz today's action determine our future.. Tak salah mencuba.. Berjaya atau gagal itu soal kedua.. Yang penting kita dah cuba.. Huhu..

P/S: I wanna try to get close to him, to know him better, but I'm afraid too.. Huh.. Truth is.. Something happened to my heart.. ;(
starsyeea said…
so what's wrong for being stupid?

bear the pain...fight for it.
Azuan said…
nie kalau ade kuasa tengok masa depan~ settle maslah haha...
Anonymous said…
kalau fikir negatif jer... memang ler susah
Hafiz Yusof said…
cuba buat solat sunat isthikarah,

solat hajat...
Oong-ong said…
lupe kan lah..
klw perlu
lel said…
masa depan, kita yg kena usahakan
dgn apa yg ada sekarang
fara said…
If it's meant to be...
it will happen...


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